Some people believe it is mukruh (reprehensible) or even haram (forbidden) to neuter cats.One of the main reasons for this is that Islam prohibits the harming of animals. There are many hadeeth that express the need to care for animals, and not cause them harm, for example;
Ibn Umar narrated the Prophet (pbuh) said: "A woman entered Hell because of a cat which she tied up and did not feed, nor did she allow it to eat of the vermin of the earth." [i.e. mice, etc]
(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3140; Muslim, 2242).
So basically right now, I would like to share with you about a figure in Islam who was so…. caring and so…… loving towards animals especially kitten….I’m sure many of you know about him....Right??
The actual name for Abu Hurairah (ra) is 'Abd al-Rahman ibn Sakhr Al Azdi. Abu Hurairah was born in Baha, Yamen into the Banu Daws tribe from the region of Tihamah on the coast of the Red Sea. When he was a child ..., he had a Cat and became known as "ABU HURAIRAH" (which you know means "Father of the kitten"
He had two given names, used at different times: “Servant of the Sun” and “Servant of Allah”. In the Age of Ignorance his given name was Abd Al-Shams, Servant of the Sun while his nickname was Abu Hurairah," Father of kitten". The Holy Prophet continued calling him by his nickname; however, Abu Hurairah changed his name to Abdurrahman, Servant of Allah.
Abu Hurairah, a man who, was given the playful sobriquet of Father of Cats due to the fact that he loved to play with a little CAT and he carried it in his arms. Compassion and love gained new meanings with the coming of the Prophet and the new role appropriated by Abdurrahman ibn Sahr suited him well.
So guys, how are your relationship with CATS???? Do you adore them <3 ? …or…Do you feel disgust when you see them wandering around?......or …. Do you torture @ neuter them?.... Nauzubillah…

I don’t actually care and love CATs before and..... it was a long time ago...….But after my friend especially, Nisa ^_^Y....She exposed me with , sooo many pic and video about CATs, i start to fall in Love with CAT...<3. So guys...I was soo excited and delighted when my group decided to choose CAT as our theme especially Nisa….( but that’s was not the problem here) …..
The main point is for those who are in the same boat with me before..^_^Y…….it’s okay if you don’t like cats because everyone has their own preference. But don't you think that CATs are so cute...:) CAT is also one of The God Almighty creature so keep in mind, don’t ever do bad things to them because do remember one thing my fellow friends, all of your deed will be judged by the Almighty Allah on the Doom Day……….
A house is not a home without a pet ^_^
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